This chapter describes the ActiveX object model exposed by ATK, whose members provide a programmatic interface to ActiveX objects in an ObjectStore database. Overview
The ATK ActiveX object model is divided into five categories:
ATKClass::GetClassExtent returns an ATKReferences object that contains the extent of the current class, as defined in Inspector.
ATKReferences GetClassExtent
GetClassExtent checks the metaknowledge to determine which roots and collections are defined as part of the extent of the class. ATKClass::GetClassName
ATKClass::GetClassName returns the name of the class as it is declared in the database schema.
BSTR GetClassName
ATKClasses GetFatherClasses
ATKClass::GetMethods () returns all the available user-defined methods registered for the current class. Return value
ATKClass::GetSonClasses returns an ATKClasses object. The classes in the ATKClasses collection are first-level derivations of the current class; that is, they inherit directly from the current class.
ATKClasses GetSonClasses
ATKClass::GetSlots returns an ATKClassSlots object, which is a collection of data members declared for the current class or its ancestors.
ATKClassSlots GetSlots
ATKClass::IsTopLevelClass checks if the class has ancestors.
Boo IsTopLevelClass
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The class has no ancestors and is therefore a top-level class. |
FALSE | The class has ancestors and is therefore not a top-level class. |
Property | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
ATKClasses contains these methods:
Method | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
Item | Returns the specified item in the collection. |
ATKClasses::Count returns the number of ATKClass objects in the ATKClasses collection.
long Count
ATKClass Item( VARIANT item)
Parameter | Description |
Identifies an object in the collection. A Long value specifies the position of the required object in the collection. A BSTR value specifies the name of the object.
ATKClassSlot represents a data member of a class. Use ATKClassSlot to retrieve information about the data members of the classes declared in the database schema. Methods
ATKClassSlot contains these methods:
ATKClassSlot::GetAccess returns the attribute access type for this data member, as it is declared in the database schema.
BSTR GetAccess
BSTR GetClass
BSTR GetName
short GetRelationCardinality
Return Value | Description |
0 | The data member is not a relationship. |
1 | The cardinality of the relationship is 1. |
2 | The cardinality of the relationship is many. |
If this data member is a relationship between two classes, you can use GetRelationCardinality to retrieve its cardinality. To determine if the attribute is a relationship, GetRelationCardinality checks if the value of IsRelation is TRUE. ATKClassSlot::GetRelatedClass
ATKClassSlot::GetRelatedClass returns the ATKClass object representing the class reached by navigating the relationship.
ATKClass GetRelatedClass
If this data member is a relationship between two classes, you can use GetRelatedClass to retrieve the class that is reached by navigating the relationship. GetRelatedClass first checks if the value of IsRelation is TRUE to determine if the attribute is a relationship. ATKClassSlot::GetType
ATKClassSlot::GetType returns the data member type, as it is declared in the database schema.
BSTR GetType
Bool IsRelation
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The data member is a relationship between two classes. |
FALSE | The data member is not a relationship between two classes. |
ATKClassSlots is a collection of ATKClassSlot objects. Property
ATKClassSlots contains this property:
Property | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
ATKClassSlots contains these method:
Method | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
Item | Returns the specified item in the collection. |
ATKClassSlots::Count returns the number of ATKClassSlot objects in the collection.
long Count
ATKClassSlot Item( VARIANT item)
Parameter | Description |
Identifies an object in the collection. A Long value specifies the position of the required object in the collection. A BSTR value specifies the name of the object.
ATKDatabase represents an ObjectStore database, and provides access to all the operations you can perform on an ObjectStore database through ATK. To create an ATKDatabase object, you need an ATKKernel object. Using ATKDatabase, you can retrieve all available data views and roots and all the classes declared in the database schema, and set or retrieve default settings about ATK ActiveX behaviors. Methods
ATKDatabase contains these methods:
ATKDatabase::CreateObject invokes a registered user-defined method to create an instance of the specified class. ClassName contains the name of the class on which the create method MethodName has been defined and registered. Arguments is the map you use to specify the arguments needed to run MethodName.
ATKDatabase::CreateObject( BSTR ClassName, BSTR MethodName, ATKMethodArguments* Arguments)
ATKDatabase::CreateObjectInSegment invokes a registered user-defined method to create an instance of the specified class. ClassName contains the name of the class on which the create method MethodName has been defined and registered. Arguments is the map you use to specify the arguments needed to run MethodName. SegmentNumber specifies the number of the ObjectStore database segment in which the object should be persistently allocated.
ATKDatabase::CreateObjectInSegment( BSTR ClassName, BSTR MethodName, long SegmentName ATKMethodArguments* Arguments)
ATKDatabase::GetAllClasses returns an ATKClasses object that lists the classes declared in the database schema. These are the same classes that Inspector displays in the schema representation.
ATKClasses GetAllClasses
GetAllClasses retrieves the list of declared classes from the metaknowledge, and the other information about classes from the database schema. You can use the returned ATKClasses object to iterate on all available classes. ATKDatabase::GetClass
ATKDatabase::GetClass returns the ATKClass object with the name aClassName.
ATKClass GetClass( BSTR aClassName)
Parameter | Description |
aClassName | The name of the class you want to retrieve. |
The parameter aClassName is case sensitive. ATKDatabase::GetDataView
ATKDatabase::GetDataView returns an ATKDataView object that contains the data view saved as dataViewExpression in Inspector.
ATKDataView GetDataView( BSTR dataViewExpression)
ATKDatabase::GetDataViews returns an ATKDataViews object,which lists all the data views defined in the metaknowledge.
ATKDataViews GetDataViews
You can use the returned ATKDataViews object to iterate on all the available data views. ATKDatabase::GetInstanceFormat
ATKDatabase::GetInstanceFormat returns the instance format associated in the metaknowledge with a specific instance format name.
ATKInstanceFormat GetInstanceFormat( BSTR instanceFormat)
Parameter | Description |
instanceFormat | The name of the instance format that you want to access. |
Return value
ATKDatabase::GetRoot returns the ATKRoot corresponding to aRootname.
ATKRoot GetRoot( BSTR aRootName)
Parameter | Description |
aRootname | The name of the root as stored in the ObjectStore database. |
ATKDatabase::GetRoots returns an ATKRoots object that contains a collection of the roots stored in the database.
ATKRoot GetRoots
Use GetRoots to iterate on all the roots defined in the ObjectStore database. ATKDatabase::SetJoinType
ATKDatabase::SetJoinType instructs ATK to use an SQL-like or Inspector-like tabular representation when displaying tables that allow navigation of one-to-many relationships.
void SetJoinType( enumerator joinType)
Parameter | Description |
InspectorLike to use an Inspector-like join. SQLLike to use an SQL-like join.
Use this field to override the default behavior of the ATK ActiveX server. For example, suppose you have two classes named Customer and Vehicle; a Customer might have several Vehicles.
Name | Make | Model |
John, Smith | Ford | Escort |
| Cadillac | DeVille |
Bob, Dylan | Ford | Ranger |
| Mazda | 626 |
| Dodge | Spirit |
Name | Make | Model |
John, Smith | Ford | Escort |
Johh, Smith | Cadillac | DeVille |
Bob, Dylan | Ford | Ranger |
Bob, Dylan | Mazda | 626 |
Bob, Dylan | Dodge | Spirit |
ATKDataView is the ATK ActiveX representation of a data view that has been defined in Inspector. Use ATKDataView to set the parameter values required by the filter, which is defined in the data view, and to execute the ObjectStore query on the underlying collection object.
ATKDataView contains these methods:
ATKDataView::GetAllParameters returns an ATKStrings object that contains the names of all parameters used in the query, as defined in the data view.
ATKStrings GetAllParameters
ATKDataView::GetATKClass returns the class on which the data view is defined.
ATKClass* ATKDataView::GetATKClass( )
ATKTable GetATKTable[( BSTR instanceFormatName)]
Parameter | Description |
instanceFormatName | Optional. The name of the instance format, as defined in the metaknowledge, that ATK uses to format the table referenced by ATKDataView. |
If instanceFormatName is an empty string ("") or is not supplied, ATK uses the default instance format for the class to which the elements of the referenced collection belong. ATKDataView::GetDataInstanceFormat
ATKDataView::GetDataInstanceFormat returns an ATKInstanceFormat object that contains the instance format associated with the data view in Inspector.
ATKInstanceFormat GetDataInstanceFormat
ATKDataView::GetDataInstanceFormatName returns a string that contains the name of the instance format associated with the data view in Inspector.
BSTR GetDataInstanceFormatName
BSTR GetName
BSTR GetParameterPrompt( BSTR parameterName)
Parameter | Description |
parameterName | The name of the parameter for which you want to retrieve a prompt. |
Return value
A string containing the prompt. ATKDataView::GetParameterType
ATKDataView::GetParameterType returns the type of the parameter (such as string or number) of the attribute associated with the parameter.
BSTR GetParameterType( BSTR parameterName)
Parameter | Description |
parameterName | The name of the parameter whose type you want to retrieve. |
Return values
GetParameterType can return the following values: ATKDataView::GetParameterValues
ATKDataView::GetParameterValues returns an ATKStrings object that contains a collection of all acceptable values for the specified parameter.
ATKStrings GetParameterValues( BSTR parameterName)
Parameter | Description |
parameterName | The name of the parameter whose possible values you want to retrieve. |
Call this function and specify a parameter for which IsParameterList( parameterName) returns TRUE. If ATKDataView::IsParameterList is TRUE, GetParameterValues returns an ATKStrings object that contains all possible values of the parameter. GetParameterValues queries the ObjectStore database to retrieve all unique values of the data member associated with the specified parameter. ATKDataView::IsFiltered
ATKDataView::IsFiltered checks if the ATKDataView object contains filter definitions on the ObjectStore collection it represents.
Bool IsFiltered
ATKDataView::IsFilterParameterized checks if the data view that ATKDataView represents contains a filter that must be fully specified at execution time before the query is performed.
Bool IsFilterParameterized
ATKDataView::IsParameterList checks if the parameter can be assigned only to a value that the data view author has specified in Inspector.
Bool IsParameterList( BSTR parameterName)
Parameter | Description |
parameterName | The name of the parameter you want to check. |
Return values
IsParameterList can return the following values:
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The parameterName can be assigned only to a value that the data view author has specified in Inspector. |
FALSE | The parameterName can be assigned to any value. |
IsParameterList retrieves this information from the data view definition in the ATK metaknowledge. ATKDataView::IsParameterMultipleSelection
ATKDataView::IsParameterMultipleSelection checks if the client can perform a multiple selection on the list of possible parameter values.
Bool IsParameterMultipleSelection( BSTR parameterName)
Parameter | Description |
parameterName | The name of the parameter that you want to check. |
Return values
IsParameterMultipleSelection can return the following values:
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The client can specify multiple choices for the specified parameterName. |
FALSE | The client can perform a single selection on the list of possible parameterName values. |
When defining the query in Inspector, the data view author determines if a multiple selection or single selection is possible. IsParameterMultipleSelection retrieves this information from the data view definition in the metaknowledge. ATKDataView::IsParameterSorted
ATKDataView::IsParameterSorted checks if the list of acceptable parameter values must be sorted.
Bool IsParameterSorted( BSTR parameterName)
Parameter | Description |
parameterName | The name of the parameter that you want to check. |
Return values
IsParameterSorted can return the following values:
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The list of acceptable parameterName values must be sorted. |
FALSE | The list of acceptable parameterName values does not require sorting. |
When defining the data view in Inspector, the author determines if a sort will be required. IsParameterSorted retrieves this information from the data view definition in the metaknowledge. ATKDataView::PerformFiltering
ATKDataView::PerformFiltering returns an ATKReferences object that contains a list of objects that satisfy the query and any constraints and/or parameters.
ATKReferences PerformFiltering
If there is no filter defined for the data view, PerformFiltering returns the entire ObjectStore collection from the data view. ATKDataView::SetParameter
ATKDataView::SetParameter sets the parameterName to the specified value before executing the query.
void SetParameter( BSTR parameterName, VARIANT value)
Parameter | Description |
parameterName | The name of the parameter whose value you want to set. |
value | The value to which the parameter must be set. |
SetParameter accepts different VARIANT types and translates each to the required parameter type. If parameterName accepts multiple selection, SetParameter accepts an array of values and binds the list of values to the parameterName.
ATKDataViews is a collection of ATKDataView objects. Property
ATKDataViews contains this property:
Property | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
ATKDataViews contains these methods:
Method | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
Item | Returns the specified item in the collection. |
ATKDataViews::Count returns the number of ATKDataView objects in the collection.
long Count
ATKDataView Item( VARIANT item)
Parameter | Description |
Identifies an object in the collection. A Long value specifies the position of the required object in the collection. A BSTR value specifies the name of the object.
ATKInstanceFormat stores information about a given instance format, as it was created in Inspector. Use ATKInstanceFormat to access the definition of an instance format that was defined in Inspector and is contained in the ATK metaknowledge. You can also retrieve the name of the instance format and the names of the column headers defined in the instance format. Methods
ATKInstanceFormat contains these methods:
ATKInstanceFormat::GetFormatName returns the name of the instance format, as it is stored in the ATK metaknowledge.
BSTR GetFormatName
ATKStrings GetHeaders
ATKKernel is the main entry point to the ATK ActiveX object model. Use ATKKernel to open an ObjectStore database, to refresh the ATK metaknowledge (that is, to make ATK aware of any change you have made through Inspector), and to obtain an ATKReference object from a string representation of a persistent object. When you create an ATKKernel.Document ActiveX object, you actually obtain an ATKKernel object. Methods
ATKKernel contains these methods:
ATKKernel::OpenDatabase opens the database specified by databaseName and returns an ATKDatabase object.
ATKDatabase OpenDatabase( BSTR databaseName [, BSTR userName] [, BSTR passWord]
[, BSTR import])
The databaseName can contain any ObjectStore DB path:
void ReloadMetaKnowledge
ATKReference ResolveReference( BSTR reference)
Parameter | Description |
reference | An ObjectStore dumped os_reference. |
An os_reference and its dumped representation identify a persistent object inside a database. Refer to the ObjectStore documentation for further details.
ATKMethod::GetArguments returns a map of argument-name/argument-value that you can populate and pass to the function used to invoke the method. The map is returned with the proper keys filled, but with no associated values.
ATKMethodArguments GetArguments()
ATKMethod::GetCategory returns the category name of the method.
BSTR GetCategory()
BSTR GetClass()
BSTR GetName()
BSTR GetReturnType()
Bool IsStatic
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The user-defined method is defined as static. |
FALSE | The user-defined method is not defined as static. |
ATKMethods::IsVirtual returns TRUE or FALSE based on whether or not the user-defined method is defined as virtual.
Bool IsVirtual
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The user-defined method is defined as virtual. |
FALSE | The user-defined method is not defined as virtual. |
ATKMethods is a collection of ATKMethod objects. Property
ATKMethods contains this property:
Property | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
ATKMethods contains these methods:
Method | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
Item | Returns the specified item in the collection. |
ATKMethods::Count returns the number of ATKMethod objects in the collection.
long Count
ATKMethod Item( VARIANT item)
Parameter | Description |
Identifies an object in the collection. A Long value specifies the position of the required object in the collection. A BSTR value specifies the name of the object.
ATKMethodArguments is a type of map used to pass arguments to user-defined methods. This class must be transiently created, which you can do
ATKMethodArguments::Add adds a key/value pair to the map.
void Add(BSTR key, VARIANT value)
long Count()
Bool Remove (BSTR key)
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The operation was completed successfully. |
FALSE | The operation was not completed successfully. |
ATKObjectManager is the ATK-ActiveX interface built on top of ObjectStore multimedia Object Managers. Use ATKObjectManager to retrieve information specific to an Object Manager and to access its data directly. Methods
ATKObjectManager contains these methods:
ATKObjectManager::GetDataArray returns a safe array that contains the data associated with the Object Manager.
VARIANT GetDataArray
GetDataArray returns an array of bytes that contains a copy of the multimedia Object Manager data.
long GetDataSize
BSTR GetOMMimeType
BSTR GetOMTypeName
IStream GetStream
ATKReference::DeleteObject ( ) invokes a delete user-defined method on the persistent object represented by ATKReference. DeleteMethodName is the name of the delete method registered for the class to which the current ATKReference belongs.
Bool ATKReference::DeleteObject( BSTR DeleteMethodName)
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The user-defined method returned a non-zero value. |
FALSE | The user-defined method returned a zero value. |
ATKDatabase GetATKDatabase
GetATKDatabase is particularly useful if you use ATKKernel::ResolveReference to get an ATKReference object. ATKReference::GetATKObjectManager
ATKReference::GetATKObjectManager returns an ATKObjectManager object for the referenced object.
ATKObjectManager GetATKObjectManager
GetATKObjectManager works only if the persistent object referenced by ATKReference is an ObjectStore Object Manager object. ATKReference::GetCardinality
ATKReference::GetCardinality returns the cardinality of a collection.
long GetCardinality
Return Value | Description |
The collection cardinality | If the object that ATKReference refers to is an ObjectStore collection |
1 | The object is not an ObjectStore collection |
ATKReference::GetCollectionItems traverses a collection and returns an ATKReferences object that contains a collection of ATKReference objects.
ATKReferences GetCollectionItems
GetCollectionItems works only if the persistent object referenced by ATKReference is an ObjectStore collection. ATKReference::GetClass
ATKReference::GetClass returns the ATKClass to which an object belongs.
ATKClass GetClass
GetClass joins the persistent objects and schema knowledge of the ATK object model. If the current ATKReference object refers to an instance of a class in the database schema, you can retrieve information about the declaration of that class by calling GetClass. ATKReference::GetReference
ATKReference::GetReference returns the dumped os_reference representation of the referenced object.
BSTR GetReference
You can use the returned value when calling ATKKernel::ResolveReference.
ATKReference::GetRepresentation returns a string containing a flat representation of an object.
BSTR GetRepresentation[( BSTR instanceFormatName)]
Parameter | Description |
instanceFormatName | Optional. The name of the instance format from which you want to retrieve the object. |
Return value
A string representation of the object. Comments
If instanceFormat is "" (an empty string) or is not supplied, GetRepresentation uses the default instance format of the class to which the object belongs. ATKReference::GetSlotValue
ATKReference::GetSlotValue returns the value of the data member attributeName from the persistent object.
VARIANT GetSlotValue( BSTR attributeName)
Parameter | Description |
attributeName | The name of the data member whose value you want to retrieve. |
Return values
The attributeName must be an attribute of the referenced object's class. GetSlotValue processes only the values of integer data member types (string and number) and of relationships. ATKReference::GetTabularRepresentation
ATKReference::GetTabularRepresentation returns an ATKStringsList object, which contains a collection of strings that represent the rows in a table containing the referenced object.
ATKStringsList GetTabularRepresentation[( BSTR instanceFormatName)]
Parameter | Description |
instanceFormatName | Optional. The name of the instance format, defined in the ATK metaknowledge, that ATK uses to format the object referenced by ATKReference. |
Name | Make | Model |
John, Smith | Ford | Escort |
| Cadillac | DeVille |
The data in the strings is presented according to the specified instanceFormatName, which indicates the navigation pattern of the data in the object. If instanceFormatName is "" (an empty string) or is not supplied, GetRepresentation uses the default instance format of the class to which the object belongs. ATKReference::IsCollection
ATKReference::IsCollection checks if an object has been classified as a collection.
Bool IsCollection
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The object is an ObjectStore collection. |
FALSE | The object is not an ObjectStore collection. |
ATKReference::IsObjectManager checks if the object has been classified as an Object Manager (for example, image, video, audio, HTML).
Bool IsObjectManager
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The object is an ObjectStore Object Manager. |
FALSE | The object is not an ObjectStore Object Manager. |
ATKReference::ReadObject ( ) invokes a read user-defined method on the persitent object represented by ATKReference. ReadMethodName is the name of the read method registered for the class to which the current ATKReference belongs.
VARIANT ATKReference::ReadObject( BSTR ReadMethodName)
Bool ATKReference::UpdateObject( BSTR UpdateMethodName, IATKMethodArguments* Arguments)
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The user-defined method returned a non-zero value. |
FALSE | The user-defined method returned a zero value. |
ATKReferences is a collection of ATKReference objects. Because this class is the ATK equivalent of an ObjectStore collection, you can use an ATKReferences object to retrieve all the items contained in the underlying ObjectStore collection, and to create ATKDataView and ATKTable objects based on the same collection. Property
ATKReferences contains this property:
Property | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
ATKReferences exposes these methods:
ATKReferences::Add adds a single persistent object represented by ATKReference, or a collection of persistent objects contained in the ItemCollection set, to the current ATKReferences object.
ATKReferences::Add(ATKReference* Item) ATKReferences::Add(ATKReferences* ItemCollection)
long Count
ATKDataView GetATKDataView( BSTR dataViewExpression)
Parameter | Description |
dataViewExpression | The data view, as defined in the ATK metaknowledge, that ATK opens on top of the collection referenced by ATKReferences. |
The dataViewExpression parameter can also contain an SQL command that follows the syntax described in Chapter 3, Active Toolkit OLE DB Provider.
ATKReferences::GetATKTable returns an ATKTable object in the specified instanceFormatName.
ATKTable GetATKTable[( BSTR instanceFormatName)]
Parameter | Description |
instanceFormatName |
Optional. The name of the instance format, as defined in the ATK metaknowledge, that ATK uses to format the table referenced by ATKReferences.
If instanceFormatName is "" (an empty string) or is not supplied, ATKReferences::GetATKTable uses the default instance format for the class. ATKReferences::Item
ATKReferences::Item retrieves a specific ATKReference object from the collection.
ATKReference Item( VARIANT item)
Parameter | Description |
item | Specifies the position of the object in the collection. |
ATKReferences::Remove ( ) removes a single persistent object represented by ATKReference, or a collection of persistent objects contained in the ItemCollection set, to the current ATKReferences object.
ATKReferences::Remove(ATKReference* Item) ATKReferences::Remove(ATKReferences* ItemCollection)
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The function is successfully completed. |
FALSE | The function does not complete successfully. |
The ATKReferences instance on which these methods are invoked must be transiently allocated. Such instances can be built using the Visual Basic new operator or with CreateObject. An error is thrown if the ATKReferences is not transiently allocated. ATKRoot
ATKRoot provides access to the ObjectStore roots defined in a database. By using an ATKRoot object, you can directly access the persistent objects. Methods
ATKRoot contains these methods:
ATKRoot::GetATKReference returns the ATKReference object that represents the persistent object associated with the root.
ATKReference GetATKReference
ATKRoot::GetATKTable returns the ATKTable object that represents the ObjectStore collection associated with the referenced root, in the specified instance format.
ATKTable GetATKTable[( BSTR instanceFormatName)]
Parameter | Description |
instanceFormatName | Optional. The name of the instance format, as defined in the metaknowledge, that ATK uses to format the table. |
If you know that the persistent object associated with the root is an ObjectStore collection, use this function to create an ATKTable object containing the tabular representation of the collection. ATKRoot::GetName
ATKRoot::GetName returns the symbolic name of the root, as it is stored in the ObjectStore database.
BSTR GetName
BSTR GetReference
Property | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
ATKRoots contains these methods:
Method | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
Item | Returns the specified item in the collection. |
ATKRoots::Count returns the number of ATKRoot objects in the collection.
long Count
ATKRoot Item( VARIANT item)
Parameter | Description |
Identifies an object in the collection. A Long value specifies the position of the required object in the collection. A BSTR value specifies the name of the object.
ATKStrings is a collection of BSTR object types. Property
ATKStrings contains this property:
Property | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
ATKStrings contains these methods:
Method | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
Item | Returns the specified item in the collection. |
ATKStrings::Count returns the number of BSTR values in the collection.
long Count
BSTR Item( VARIANT item)
Parameter | Description |
item | Specifies the position of the required string in the collection. |
Return value
A string value. ATKStringsList
ATKStringsList is a collection of ATKStrings objects. Property
ATKStringsList contains this property:
Property | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
ATKStringsList exposes these methods:
Method | Description |
Count | Returns the number of objects in the collection. |
Item | Returns the specified item in the collection. |
ATKStringsList::Count returns the number of ATKStrings objects in the collection.
long Count
ATKStrings Item( VARIANT item)
Parameter | Description |
item | Specifies the position of the required list of strings in the collection. |
ATKTable is a collection of objects that corresponds to the underlying ObjectStore collection. An ATKTable object is strictly related to the instance format used to create it.
ATKTable::GetCardinality returns the cardinality of the collection.
long GetCardinality
ATKStrings GetHeaders
ATKTable::GetObject returns the ATKReference object representing the persistent object that the ATKTable cursor points to.
ATKReference GetObject
ATKTable::GetReference returns the reference string representation of the object that the ATKTable cursor points to.
BSTR GetReference
BSTR GetRepresentation
ATKStringsList GetTabularRepresentation
Name | Make | Model |
John, Smith | Ford | Escort |
Cadillac | DeVille |
ATKTable::GetWholeHTML returns a string containing the default representation of the entire HTML table. You can display the table in a web browser.
BSTR ATKTable::GetWholeXML
Bool IsBOT
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The ATKTable cursor is at the first object in the collection. |
FALSE | The ATKTable cursor is located in the collection but not at the first object. |
ATKTable::IsEOT checks if the ATKTable cursor is at the last object in the collection.
Bool IsEOT
Return Value | Description |
TRUE | The ATKTable cursor is at the last object in the collection. |
FALSE | The ATKTable cursor is located in the collection but not at the last object. |
ATKTable::MoveFirst moves the ATKTable cursor to the first object in the collection.
void MoveFirst
void MoveLast
void MoveNext
void MovePrevious
void MoveTo( long position)
Parameter | Description |
position | The object number to which you want to move the table cursor. The first object in a collection is numbered 0. |
Updated: 05/11/99 11:43:36