The ATK installation configures ATK to use the same ObjectStore application schema, metaknowledge, and string formats as Inspector. Using the ATK configuration utility, you can change these settings and the default settings for the types of joins ATK uses in queries. You can also check the status of the ObjectStore Server on the application host. In this chapter
This chapter presents the following topics:
The ATK configuration utility has three sheets:
Setting the Application Schema Path
What is the application schema?
The application schema is an ObjectStore database in the file vomsch30.adb. In order for the application to access the application schema, the schema must be under the control of an ObjectStore Server. If you manually move the application schema, you must reconfigure ATK with the schema's new location. Default location
By default, the vomsch60.adb is placed in C:\odi\ATK6.0\lib. Use the Application Schema sheet to check or modify the ATK application schema path, and to configure ATK to use a particular ObjectStore Server located on your network. Application Schema Sheet
The Application Schema sheet displays the ATK application schema configuration:
By default, the ATK installation designates the file system as the metaknowledge location. To manually modify this setting, specify the location from which ATK should load the metaknowledge.
Default X-to-Many Joins
By default, the ATK ActiveX server displays one-to-many and many-to-many relationships in a table using Inspector-like joins, and the ATK OLE DB provider returns one-to-many and many-to-many relationships using SQL-like joins. You can choose the join format you prefer. For more information about these types of joins, refer to Chapter 3, Active Toolkit OLE DB Provider.
Synchronizing with Inspector
If you have modified the location of the Inspector metaknowledge and want to update all ATK settings to match the corresponding Inspector setting, click Synchronize with Inspector. Modifying the String Format Settings
Use the String Formats sheet to specify the default string display format for the current database. For additional information about string formats and string interpretation, refer to Viewing Blob in the ObjectStore Inspector User Guide.
Interpreting Strings
By default, ATK interprets strings as plain ASCII text. You can interpret strings using any format that the Inspector supports. This is especially helpful if the database contains strings that are encoded using SJIS, EUC, or Unicode. Japanese Expressions
If the application retrieves objects encoded in Japanese characters, you can ensure that ATK uses a Japanese-enabled parser that supports DBCS and Unicode. This parser is included in the ATK kernel. Show Strings
By default, ATK displays strings up to the first null character it encounters. Instead, ATK can skip displaying invalid characters or display an alternate character for each invalid one. BLOBs
By default, ATK displays ASCII strings that are longer than 768 characters as binary large objects (BLOBs). You can increase or decrease this limit. Show Single Characters
You can display single characters as either a character or an ASCII value. For example, the letter D can be shown as D or 68. This also affects the type of the column in which the value is displayed; it is either char[n] or integer.
Updated: 05/11/99 11:39:35