Invoking the Server Monitor
Start the Server Monitor from the command line with the following command:
osopes [ server_name][options]
With server_name you specify the Server that you want to monitor. Usually, the Server name is identical to the name of the host on which the Server runs. Note that you can run several invocations of the Server Monitor at the same time. For instructions, see "Monitor Server".
If you do not specify a Server name, you get an empty Server Monitor window where you can specify or select a Server from the File menu (see "Monitor Server" for details).
Select Monitor Server to get the Specify Server Name dialog where you specify the name of the Server (see "Monitor Server" for details). You can also select a Server from the list of recently monitored Servers. For details on how to do this refer to "List of recently monitored Servers".
Valid options for the osopes command are
Enter osopes -help or osopes -h to get help for the osopes command.
- -h / -help
The specification of server_name is followed by -l and logfile_name_root. OPE monitors the server specified by server_name and writes sampling data to one or more logfiles whose names begin with logfile_name_root. For further information about log files see "Start logging".
- -l
osopes myserver -l /server/log_file/mylogStarts monitoring the server myserver and writes log files into the directory /server/log_file starting with the logfile_name_root mylog followed by . date. time.sml, for example, mylog.19970224.132214.sml. The number of samples per log is the default setting, 10000.OPE opens and displays the log file that you have specified.
- -f
osopes -f mylog.19970224.132214.smlDefines the number of samples that are written per log. It is only valid if -l has been specified. The parameter that follows this option is number_of_samples. If you do not specify this parameter, OPE assumes a default value of 10,000 samples per log file.
- -s
osopes myserver -l mylog -s 350Starts monitoring the server myserver and writes log files into the current directory starting with logfile_name_root mylog followed by . date. time.sml. The number of samples per log is 350.For further information see "Start logging".
Note that if you do not specify any options the following parameter is always treated as server_name.
osopes myserverStarts monitoring the server myserver. Logging is not started automatically. If you want to start logging, do one of the following:
- Use the -l option and specify logfile_name_root.
- Start logging from the File menu (see "Start logging").
When you start the Server Monitor with a Server name for the first time, the following information is displayed by default:
- Twelve diagrams containing different meters
- The sampling rate for each diagram of one meter per two seconds, and the view interval of one minute
With the following environment variable you can specify the name of the profile where changes of window settings are stored persistently:
OS_OPE_SERVMON_PROFILE = profile_nameprofile_name defines the name of the profile. Window element settings are, for example, window size, sampling rate, or view interval. The names of the most recently selected Servers are also stored, up to a maximum of five names.
The name of the profile is optional. If you specify a partial pathname, the appropriate substitutions of your operating system apply. If you start the Server Monitor without setting this environment variable, or if you do not specify a name, the generated profile gets the name The profile is stored in ~/.osope for UNIX, in the subdirectory .osope of the user's home directory for Windows NT and in the directory %OS_OPE_ROOTDIR%\etc for Windows 98.
When you change one or more settings while you work with the Server Monitor, the changes are kept in memory and are applied to any new window you start from the existing Server Monitor window.