The OPE User Guide describes how to use ObjectStore Performance Expert (OPE) to measure the performance of ObjectStore applications and to monitor ObjectStore Servers.
Experienced ObjectStore application programmers and database designers, and ObjectStore database administrators who need to optimize the performance of ObjectStore applications and Servers in UNIX- and PC-based environments, are the intended users of this book. It is assumed that you are familiar with the operating system, ObjectStore applications, the ObjectStore environment, and the document ObjectStore Performance.
In conjunction with ObjectStore C++ A P I User Guide, ObjectStore Performance, and the online information, this document provides all the necessary information for measuring performance of ObjectStore applications, analyzing the measured values, and getting an overview of the Server's performance.
How This Book Is Organized
The first two chapters of this book provide general information on ObjectStore Performance Expert by giving an overview of OPE and by describing what to do when you use OPE for the first time. Chapter 3, Tracing Your Application, contains detailed information on what you must do before tracing your application. Chapter 4, TimeLine Diagram, Chapter 5, ElapsedTime Diagram, Chapter 6, Storage Counters/Ratios Diagram, and Chapter 7, PageState Diagram describe the diagrams that you can display with OPE, each chapter explaining diagram and navigation elements, menu items, and pop-up menus. Chapter 8, OPE Retriever, contains a detailed description of the environment variables and covers the OPE API. Chapter 9, Monitoring Your Server, tells you how to monitor your Server, and Chapter 10, Tuning Hints, establishes a connection between ObjectStore Performance and this document. For complete information, you must read the general chapters along with the applicable diagram sections.
Notation Conventions
The OPE Release 6.0 document set uses the following conventions: