ATK is an OLE Automation Server. You can create ActiveX objects to open and inspect databases on local and remote hosts. You can also integrate ATK with OSAX to modify a database, and gather information from ATK ActiveX error codes. In this chapter
This chapter presents the following topics:
You can also navigate among persistent objects in an ObjectStore database or retrieve information about the database schema. The ATK ActiveX server supports the OLE Multithreaded Apartment (MTA) model architecture. For more information about threading models, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base (
The ATK ActiveX server is distributed as a DLL (for in-proc use), and as an executable (for simplified out-of-proc use).
For examples of applications that use the ATK ActiveX server, refer to Chapter 2, Accessing ATK ActiveX Server from ASP Applications, in the ObjectStore Active Toolkit Tutorial.
Accessing the ActiveX Server Using DCOM
The Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) underlying ATK allows instances of ActiveX objects to be located and accessed remotely from the ActiveX server. Thus, an application can access the ATK ActiveX server running on a remote machine to open and inspect a remote database. For more information
For detailed information about DCOM, refer to the Microsoft documentation. For an example of an application that uses DCOM, refer to Chapter 6, Using ATK ActiveX Server from DCOM, in the ObjectStore Active Toolkit Tutorial.
Integrating ATK and OSAX
What is OSAX?
The ObjectStore ActiveX Interface (OSAX) is an interface that complements ATK's access to ObjectStore databases. Using OSAX, you can encapsulate persistent C++ objects inside COM objects and create, read, update, or modify them. From ATK to OSAX
Use the OSAXObjectStore interface to build an OSAX object from an ATKReference object. OSAXObjectstore retrieves the information it needs from the ATK object and builds an IX object representing the persistent instance, in which X is the name of the class.
Dim atkCustomer as IATKReference Dim ObjectStore as IOSAXObjectStore ... Dim osaxCustomer as ICustomer osaxCustomer = ObjectStore.LoadATKReference(CCustomer, atkCustomer)After you created an osaxCustomer object, you could use the methods you exposed in the Customer interface to modify osaxCustomer as necessary.
Dim atkKernel as IATKKernel ... Dim atkCustomer as IATKReference atkCustomer = atkKernel.LoadOSAXObject(osaxCustomer)Once you create the atkCustomer object, you can use it to access all of the features that ATK offers. For example, you can retrieve the data members in the instance, navigate a relation, build a table based on a collection that the object contains, retrieve information about classes associated with the object, and so on.
You can retrieve extended information about any error. These code samples in Visual Basic, VBScript, and Visual C++ show how to retrieve information about an error that occurs when ATK ActiveX server tries to open a database.
On Error GoTo handle_error Dim ObjectStore As New ATKKernel Dim OSDatabase As ATKDatabase Set OSDatabase = ObjectStore.OpenDatabase("mydb.db") Exit Sub handle_error: TmpStr = "ATK Error# " & Hex(Err.Number) TmpStr = TmpStr & vbCrLf & "Generated by: " & Err.Source TmpStr = TmpStr & vbCrLf & "Description: " & Err.Description MsgBox TmpStr
On Error Resume Next set ATKKernel=Server.CreateObject("ATKKernel.Document") set ATKDatabase=ATKKernel.OpenDatabase("mydb.db") if Err.Number <> 0 then Response.Write("ATK Error# " & Hex(Err.Number) & "<BR>") Response.Write("Generated by: " & Err.Source & "<BR>") Response.Write("Description: " & Err.Description & "<BR>") Exit Sub End If
IID_IATKKernel* pATK; IID_IATKDatabase* pATKdb; HRESULT hr=pATK->OpenDatabase("mydb.db", &pATKdb); if(FAILED(hr)) { ISupportErrorInfo* pSEI; if(SUCCEEDED( pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_ISupportErrorInfo,(LPVOID*)&pSEI) && pSEI->InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(IID_IATKKernel)==S_OK)) { IErrorInfo* pEI; GetErrorInfo(0,&pEI); char szBuffer[512]; BSTR source,description; pEI->GetSource(&source); pEI->GetDescription(&description); wsprintf(szBuffer,"ATK Error# %X\nSource: %S\nDescription: %S", hr,source,description); MessageBox(NULL,szBuffer,"Error",MB_OK); SysFreeString(source); SysFreeString(description); pEI->Release(); } }
Updated: 05/11/99 11:35:00