ObjectStore Active Toolkit Reference


The ObjectStore Active Toolkit Reference provides a reference on the Active Toolkit ActiveX and OLE DB programming interfaces to ObjectStore.

This book is for experienced Visual Basic, Visual Basic Script, Java, Java Script, or C++ developers who are developing applications that run under Windows NT or Windows 95/98 and want to access objects stored in an ObjectStore database through an ActiveX interface.

This book supports Release 6.0 of the ATK interface to ObjectStore Release 6.0. Information in this book assumes that ATK is installed and configured.

How This Book Is Organized

ATK and Inspector
When you define data views and instance formats using Inspector, ObjectStore saves them in the metaknowledge. ATK uses the metaknowledge when accessing data views and instance formats. See Chapter 1, ATK and the Inspector.

ActiveX Server
ATK is an ActiveX server that provides access to any ObjectStore database. See Chapter 2, ATK ActiveX Server.

ATK is also an OLE DB provider. OLE DB is a standard interface for accessing data, and ATK provides access to any ObjectStore database through OLE DB. See Chapter 3, Active Toolkit OLE DB Provider.

The ATK installation program configures ATK to use the same metaknowledge as Inspector, and assigns several other default settings. If you reconfigure Inspector, you should update the corresponding ATK settings. You can also reconfigure ATK to meet the specific needs of an application. See Chapter 4, Configuring ATK.

ATK object model
The ATK object model consists of 17 COM classes. This chapter lists each class alphabetically by class name. Within the entry for each class, the class's properties and methods appear alphabetically. See Chapter 5, ATK Object Model.

Sample Data

This document refers to sample applications and demonstration databases. If you installed ATK using the installation program defaults, you can find them in these directories:


Sample Applications


Demonstration Databases


Notation Conventions

This document uses the following conventions:

Bold typeface indicates user input or code.

Sans serif

Sans serif typeface indicates system output.

Italic sans serif

Italic sans serif typeface indicates a variable for which you must supply a value. This most often appears in a syntax line or table.

Italic serif

In text, italic serif typeface indicates the first use of an important term.

[ ]

Brackets enclose optional parameters.

{ a | b | c }

Braces enclose two or more items. You can specify only one of the enclosed items. Vertical bars represent OR separators. For example, you can specify a or b or c.


An ellipsis indicates missing code that is not pertinent to the current example. In syntax lines, it indicates that the previous item can be repeated.

Internet Sources of More Information

Object Design
Object Design's site on the World Wide Web is the source for company news, white papers, and information about product offerings and services. Point your browser to http://www.objectdesign.com/ for more information.

Other ObjectStore products
In addition to ObjectStore, the industry's leading object database, Object Design offers a comprehensive set of rapid development and enterprise integration tools. For information about these and other Object Design products, point your browser to http://www.objectdesign.com.

Product support
Object Design's support organization provides a number of information resources and services. Their home page is at http://support.objectdesign.com. From the support home page, click Tech Support Information to learn about support policies, product discussion groups, and the different ways Object Design can keep you informed about the latest release information - including the web, ftp, and email services.


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Subject: Doc: Incorrect message on page 76 of reference manual
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Copyright Information

ObjectStore Active Toolkit Reference

ObjectStore ATK Release 6.0, May 1999

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Copyright © 1998 Object Design, Inc. All rights reserved.

Updated: 05/11/99 11:33:41