OPE User Guide

Diagram Elements

Time Axis

The time axis of the PageState diagram has the same structure as the time axis of the TimeLine diagram. However, it does not contain a time selection area (see Time Axis for details). The time interval shown on the PageState diagram is identical to the diagram interval that you select on the TimeLine diagram.

Event Lines

The event lines (trace and transaction events line, generic events line, and miscellaneous events line) show you important events that occur during the time represented by the diagram interval. Each line shows a different event category (for details refer to Event Lines). When you place the mouse pointer on an event, the event label is indicated in the status line.

Use Select events from the Options menu to select events to be displayed.

Storage Pane

The storage pane is divided into the storage scale and the storage area. It contains graphic information on page states and page events. This information pertains to the storage objects database, segment, cluster, and page.

For each storage object you see how its state changes and which events occur. A bar represents a single page, a cluster, a segment, or a database. For clusters, segments and databases, accumulated page state and page event information is shown. Referring to the accumulated information, OPE analyzes the states of all pages of a cluster, segment or database and displays the most important state at a certain point in time. This state changes when another page of this object reaches a more important state. For detailed information on the ascending order of importance see "Page states and page events".

Storage Scale

The storage scale shows the labels for the storage objects. The labels are divided into the following columns:
d Database number (OPE defines a unique number for each database within the application trace)
s Segment number (ObjectStore defines a number for each segment)
c Cluster number (ObjectStore defines a number for each cluster)
p Page number (ObjectStore defines a number for each page)

To select the corresponding storage object, click on a label in the storage scale. For details refer to "Select storage objects".

When you place the mouse pointer on a number shown in the storage scale, the status line indicates the name of the database, segment, cluster, or page that is assigned to this number.

Boundaries between databases, segments or clusters are indicated by horizontal lines.

Storage Area

The storage area of the PageState diagram shows page states and events for the selected diagram interval. For each storage object you see a horizontal bar with colors representing different states of the object. For detailed information on page states and page events refer to "Page states and page events".

When you display a PageState diagram for the first time, you see a bar for each database to which your application has access during the application trace. This helps you identify the database you are interested in. To get more detailed information on a database, you can expand it to the next finer levels of segments and pages. How you can do this is described in the following sections.

Expand or collapse storage objects

A database bar can be expanded to segment bars representing the segments of this database. A segment bar can be expanded to cluster bars representing the clusters of this segment. A cluster bar can be expanded to page bars representing the pages of this cluster.A page bar cannot be expanded.

Expand or collapse single storage objects

You can expand or collapse single storage objects in one of the following ways:

Note that inapplicable items are inactive, for example, you cannot expand a storage object that is already expanded.

Hide or show single storage objects

You can hide any single storage object to turn off information that you are not interested in by selecting Hide from the pop-up menu. The storage object is displayed as a bar in a different color. The bar is called bar with hidden storage objects. Consecutive storage objects are represented by a single bar.

To show the contents of a bar with hidden storage objects again, select Show from the pop-up menu or double-click on the corresponding bar.

Optionally, you can also remove bars with hidden storage objects from your window. To do this, deselect Display bars with hidden storage objects in the Options menu. To show these bars again, reselect this item.

Select storage objects

You can select one or more storage objects. The benefit of selecting several storage objects is that you can perform an action on all of them at the same time. You do not have to repeat the same procedure for each single storage object.

Use the mouse pointer to select or deselect a storage object. Note that each time you select or deselect a new storage object, the previous selection is no longer valid.

You can perform the following actions on the storage objects or on the corresponding labels on the storage scale:

You can also select Edit from the menu bar to select or deselect all storage objects.

Expand or collapse selected storage objects

To expand selected storage objects to the next finer level, select Expand selected from the Edit menu. To collapse selected storage objects to the next coarser level, select Collapse selected from the Edit menu.

The expanded storage object is also displayed in lighter colors. When you deselect Display expanded storage objects from the Options menu, the expanded object is no longer shown. When you reselect Display expanded storage objects, the expanded storage object is shown again. Note that OPE does not remember whether an object is selected or not if it is temporarily removed from the window.

Hide or show selected storage objects

Hiding selected storage objects allows you to turn off information that you are not interested in. To do this, select Hide selected from the pop-up menu or from the Edit menu. All selected storage objects are removed from view, and you see a bar with hidden storage objects for each consecutive range of hidden storage objects.

Hide inactive storage objects

You can hide inactive storage objects automatically by selecting Hide inactive storage objects from the Edit menu. All inactive storage objects are then automatically collapsed to bars with hidden storage objects. To redisplay a bar with hidden storage objects, double-click on it. To redisplay all bars with hidden storage objects, select Select all and then select Show selected from the Edit menu.

Page states and page events

This section describes the states and events that are shown for the storage objects database, segment, cluster, and page.

Note that the page states are sorted in ascending order of importance. OPE uses this order when it displays accumulated page state and page event information for databases, segments or clusters.

The abbreviations for the different page states are shown in the status line.

The following page states are shown:
Unknown OPE does not understand the page state that ObjectStore reports.
NotSeen Currently, there is no information on this page. The page does not exist on the database but is allocated later, or OPE does not know the state of the page now.
NE Not Encached; The page is currently not in the client cache of ObjectStore but is fetched later from the database on which it exists.
ER Encached for Read, no lock obtained
EW Encached for Write, no lock obtained
ERLR Encached for Read, locked for Read
EWLR Encached for Write, locked for Read
EWLW Encached for Write, locked for Write
WFetch Wait for Fetch; The application waits for ObjectStore to fetch the requested page.
WLock Wait for Lock Upgrade; The application waits for ObjectStore to get the requested lock for the page. Depending on the state of the encached page this lock can be done by the ObjectStore client (local upgrade) or by the ObjectStore Server (remote upgrade).

The wait-for states represent the process of communication between ObjectStore client and Server. The ObjectStore client possibly competes with other clients for access to persistent data. Long wait-for times indicate situations due to concurrent data access (see also timeout and deadlock events).

The following page events are shown as symbols on the bars that represent databases, segments, clusters, and pages:

For events indicating an error condition or events that might end with an error, OPE includes possible error reasons depending on the event type:

Note that OPE does not explicitly show events like

You can see the effect of these events when you view the state transitions of the PageState diagram.

Environment change events

OPE shows you environment change events for databases, segments and clusters. The events for databases are only shown on database bars. The events for segments are shown on segment bars and the corresponding database bar. The events for clusters are shown on cluster bars and the corresponding segment and database bar. Environment change events are not shown for pages.

Generic events

When you raise a generic event specifying a pointer to a persistent object, a segment, a cluster, or a database, OPE shows you this event on the appropriate database, segment, cluster, or page on the PageState diagram. A generic event with a pointer to a persistent object is shown on the page that contains the object.

Generic events are represented by filled, colored squares or arrowheads. The symbols are defined by OPE. The color corresponds to the name of the generic event. You can define the colors in the OPE configuration file (osope.ini for Windows NT and osoperc for UNIX). If you do not define any colors, generic events are shown in black.

States and events for storage objects

The following table shows you the storage objects, the expanded storage objects, and the corresponding states and events:
Storage Object Expanded Storage Object State Event
Page None For page states and colors refer to the Legend in the Help menu. Page events
Cluster Pages Accumulated state. It shows the most important state for all pages within a cluster. Page events and cluster environment change events
Segment Clusters Accumulated state. It shows the most important state for all clusters within a segment. Page events, cluster environment change events, and segment environment change events
Database Segments Accumulated state. It shows the most important state for all segments within a database. Page events, cluster environment change events, segment environment change events, and database environment change events

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